Critics that believe in Common Sense and Personal Responsibility:
Jason Hemming, The Vern's Video Vortex
"The Team," Talent Monthly
David Lee Andrews, Comic Book and Movie Reviews
Mike Haberfeiner, searchmytrash
Barbara Soares, The Irish Film Critic
Critics that don't believe in Common Sense and Personal Responsibility:
Joe Young, The Ginger Nuts of Horror
Richard Propes, The Independent Critic
Fred Mcnamera, Starburst Magazine
Brian Rohe, Spoiler Free Movie Sleuth
Elliot Diviney interview with TALENT MONTHLY MAGAZINE
Elliot Diviney interview with BATTLE ROYALE WITH CHEESE
Elliot Diviney interview with THE EXAMINER
Elliot Diviney interview with COMIC BOOK AND MOVIE REVIEWS
Elliot Diviney interview with SANDWICH JOHN FILMS
Elliot Diviney interview with INFLUX MAGAZINE
Elliot Diviney audio interview on NOWHERE CALIFORNIA